2023-07-28 In the wild, sudden changes in climate, getting lost, falling into valleys and other unexpected situations may cause life-threatening crises, so the more you know about wild rescue methods, the greater your chance of survival!" />

6 Wilderness SOS You Can Use When There's No Signal


In the wild, sudden changes in climate, getting lost, falling into valleys and other unexpected situations may cause life-threatening crises, so the more you know about wild rescue methods, the greater your chance of survival! When you are unable to get out of trouble, asking for help is the only way, but we all know that in remote mountainous areas, there is actually no signal in many areas, and it is even more difficult to ask for help when the mobile phone cannot communicate.
At the moment when the mobile phone still has some WeChat signals, it is still possible to send a signal for help, but if there is no signal coverage at all, you can only use the satellite phone to ask for help. If you don’t have a satellite phone on your body, you can still press and send text messages or the rescue function of the APP first, and the phone will send a text message when it captures a weak signal. But it should be noted that the coordinates sent should be correct.
Then when the mobile phone or other communication equipment is unavailable and there is no satellite phone, what other ways can send a signal for help? Basically, the way to send out the signal can be selected according to the conditions and circumstances of the site environment.
Voice for help: Survival Whistle
If you accidentally slip and fall to a place that ordinary people will not see (for example: grass under the trail, behind rocks, etc.), using a whistle when shouting can reduce the time of physical exhaustion. Most survival whistles are different from ordinary whistles. They can emit special frequencies and decibels, which can also allow search and rescue personnel to find lost people more quickly based on the sound source in the wild environment.

Use reflective cloth strips in bright colors for marking

Fluorescent and bright-colored field cloth strips are conveniently tied to tree branches for marking, and the name and date are written with a marker pen, which allows rescuers to narrow the search range to a more precise level, and help seekers can be found more easily. Generally speaking, if you are lost, if the distress signal is successfully sent, it is recommended not to run around (the most important thing at this time is to survive and wait patiently for rescue), because only by stopping in place can the search and rescue personnel find you smoothly. But if there is no signal, some people may want to find an open area to search for network communication points. At this time, you must remember to mark the path you have traveled so that you will not go further and further. If you do not do it in the wild Usually, the more you walk, the less you know where you are.

reflective signal
Use sunlight and reflective objects to send out survival signals (such as mirrors, knives, glass, metal sheets, etc.), and use the principle of reflection to allow helicopters and rescuers to quickly find out. Generally speaking, if you use the emergency rescue reflector specially designed for help, the accuracy of the signal transmission will be higher. After aiming at the aircraft in the air through the simple structure of the mirror and the net, connect the sun's light point with the aircraft in a straight line. Sunlight is reflected back to rescuers. The farthest reflection distance can reach tens of kilometers, whether it is the opposite mountain or an airplane, it can easily transmit Morse code or distress signal.

fire, smoke distress sign

Find a relatively open place to set up a fire, and when you hear the sound of the helicopter and see that the helicopter seems to be heading in the right direction of rescue, you can start adding fresh green grass, leaves or ferns to the pre-built fire Plants are used to create thick smoke (dry firewood should also be prepared on site to make the fire bigger, and the effect of wolf smoke will be more obvious). After the thick smoke rises into the sky, it is easier to be found immediately by helicopter search and rescue personnel. When you see a rescue helicopter passing by above, you can immediately create thick smoke to attract attention.

Waving the flag, or using other brightly colored equipment to lay at the rescue point

If there is no flag in the wild, you can tie a bright-colored cloth to a wooden stick and wave it in a figure 8 to the sky, or you can also use a bright-colored sleeping mat (for example: the yellow side of an eggshell sleeping mat), a tent A large area is laid at the rescue point to create an obvious base point, which can make it easier for search and rescue personnel above to find it.

Colored smoke bombs, signal fire
Colored smoke is more likely to be seen than normal thick smoke, such as: colored smoke bombs, signal fire, but the disadvantage is that the time limit is short, and it is necessary to seize the opportunity to release when the rescue unit is found, so that search and rescue personnel can quickly find out.

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