2022-11-21 The process of entering the boat is very easy for experienced kayakers, but for novices, many people capsize as soon as they enter the boat. " />

How to get in a kayak?


The process of entering the boat is very easy for experienced kayakers, but for novices, many people capsize as soon as they enter the boat. At this time, they should ensure their safety to avoid being injured in an accident. The most important point of entering the boat is to maintain its balance, and grasping the balance can realize the normal running of the kayak.
First of all, be fully prepared in terms of safety measures. Athletes should check whether their life jackets are properly worn. If they are wearing waterproof skirts, they can roll up the skirts when entering the cabin, and place the oars in an easily accessible place. If you put all your body weight on the boat when you get on the boat, it is very likely to cause the boat's center of gravity to become unstable, which is also prone to danger.

Secondly, you should slowly enter the cabin to keep the boat from shaking. After entering the cabin, you can use the paddle to control it, so that the entire balance of the boat can be maintained. Getting into the boat is the first step in operating a kayak. Many athletes also overturn the whole boat due to the lack of balance in the operation, so mastery of balance is more important for this sport.

In the composition of the entire kayak device, the paddle is very important it is the most important prop for maintaining balance. And the paddle has a great influence on the kayak, so athletes should master the small skills of holding the paddle, it will be more helpful for the operation.

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